OK! 20th of January here! Woke up ready to rock n' roll, and we had some serious webcam issues!!
What happened was as follows: I get onto firefox, get ready to upate my blog and all that fun stuff, and BAM!! Blue screen comes right up into my mother f'in face! I restart....then I get ready to update my blog and such again and then WHAM!!! Aqua screen comes right up into the dome x 2!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember this happened once yesterday during webcam installation...I slyly put 2 and 2 together....(4) and I type into google "logitech webcam blue screen" and a whole bunch of problems come up!!! So, I call logitech, and I am currently on the phone getting help.
Apparently, my brand new PC can't handle the resource requirements on the shittier of the 2 of my webcams...very interesting lol. Soooooo we are currently trying to download the drivers straight from the website and not from the installation cd's and hopefully that works.
If it doesn't work, then I will only be down to 1 webcam on livestream again, because the 2nd crappier webcam is effing things up! So at least no matter what we will be live again today with at least 1 webcam.
OK, enough of that crap! I can't believe I just wrote that much about it....soooo last night, we got up to 58 live viewers on poopy's jtv channel. We were chatting away and having a blast! All went amazingly well. At 50 viewers, the chat demanded that I show boobs, so I took off the shirt for about 5 minutes and we had some awesome KP boobage live.
Got in 15.5K vpps yesterday which was biggest of the year so far...took me 15 hours of playing! Gosh that was alot of playing.....ok, I will make a video or something today to put on here for fun and spice, but besides that-i'm out! Make sure you go to the live stream to check up on me and say hello!! http://www.justin.tv/pokerpoopy
Enjoy your days!
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