Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26th, it's go time

okay, we're coming down to the wire on this prop bet.  I have fallen very far behind, so we have reached the time to make a decision.  It's either wuss out and only do like my normal 8 to 10 hour day and relax, or....

36 Hour Marathon Session!!!!!!!!!!!

I choose the funner of the 2- we will be starting at 12:30p and go till 12:30p tomorrow, and then hang in for 12 more hours to get to midnight tomorrow night.  36 hours will get me to about 243K vpps.  That will leave me with 4 days left, having to do 12 hours each those days.  That is still attainable.  But this ish is getting close!!

That's it it's 12:34p i'm running late gotta start bye all love you and talk to you in 36 hours eeeeeeheheheheh!

Sweat, Heat, Passion,


  1. Trying not too- first mini sesh was 7 hours, took 45 min break bout to start up for next 6+ hour mini sesh! :)
