Sunday, January 9, 2011


Alright, Day 9 commenced. Banged out a few vpps first session lost like 5 hundo bucks, and got nice and warmed up for the sunday grind. Gonna have to put in some massive volume today to get back on pace.

But now for the exciting news, today I'm doing my first photo shoot for Aleksandra so that we can brighten this blog up a bit this evening! Next post be ready for some straight up beauty!

At about 64K vpps...I'll be getting a nice 4K bonus today which will put my yearly earnings so far at ~$ that is almost on pace for my expected earn. What else, what else, what else.....I wanna play Starcraft 2 cuz it looks awesome but I am gonna stay away.

Oh yea! I ended up not going out last night for Rocco's b-day. After my early afternoon sesh, I was damn tired and decided to take a nice old nap. The damn thing lasted forever and by the time I got up it was like 8p and I decided not to go party it up. Unfortunately, I prob missed an awesome event, but I had to grind...gotta get back to pace and then get ahead of pace if I wanna beat this record this year.

Sooooo that's it for now! I'm gonna go eat some breaky, and chill it up for a bit before I start up the poker again. Love you beings!


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