Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 ends aiyeeeee

OK! Day 3 just ended- what a day...didn't get my grind started till noon, so gettin' 10 hours in was a real biznatch. Played 10 out of my remaining 12 hours left in the day though so got her done.

VPP count is at 35.5K for the year so far...not terrible, but not terribly awesome either...hopefully tmw i won't miss my alarm and get up and grind the ish outta this.

As for table profit, it was going along smoothly, but today sure turned that around...for the first 3 days of the year i'm only up 4 hundo right now which is quite scary...but, with my 35.5K vpps that's 3.5K more beans on top of that 4 hundo, gotta remember that.

As for gettin' pics on here- ppl have been tryin' to help me but I still can't do it. I'm gonna get some help from someone, hopefully using teamviewer, to just take over my pc and hook it up for me. Cuz i can't do it!

Hmmmmm got my workouts in for the day, and ate vegan style so i'm a happy lil' KP. On a side note, i really wanna get into starcraft II cuz it looks insane and i'm obsessed with watching it on JTV while I play poker. Buttt...that will take up way too much of my time bc i get addicted easily. So i will just live vicariously through those that I watch play it all day...

OK! Love you all, goodnight, kisses...hugs!


p.s. I tried picasa to get pics on here, couldn't do it, and now i hate it! Tried direct link to get pics on here...and it only put a URL...i want a thumbnailed pic on here that if u click it pops up nice and big and u can look at my pics in all their glory! some1 help!


  1. Hey Poopy,

    I am enjoying your blog, you seem like a really funny guy. If you wanna upload a picture of your graph,
    follow steps 1-6 (dont worry about image shack). Once you have the image saved to your computer, theres an add image button when your blogging on the top tool bar just click on that and upload your image and it takes care of everything for you. Goodluck man.

  2. LOL yea... getting into SC2 would be a big detriment to your world record VPP run.

    Here is the html you need for pictures:

    img src="{insert image url here}" height="400" width="600">

    You need to add an "<" at the beginning, and you can adjust the height and width accordingly so that the image fits correctly on your blog.

    If you want the image to be linkable to a bigger version of the image, surround the above code with

    a href="{url of image}">{insert above code}</a

    You need to insert a "<" at the beginning and the closing version of the bracket at the end of that line. I'm not allowed to post actual html code in your comments.

    Let me know if that helps.

  3. I hope to follow this blog throughout the year... what's your sn?

  4. Frank-thx for the help, i'm trying :(

    Ryan, ty also, but i still can't get it right...i'm gonna have to teamview it with someone or something :(

    Luke- I hope u follow it too! screenname is pokerpoopy :)
