Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 2one!!!

Woah.  I feel like I woke up with a hangover this morning.  I did not drink, all I did yesterday was eat great food and exercise.  It is interesting.  I believe the massive grinding is making me feel like I drank something toxic.

Hmmmmmmmm last 2 days, dropped 7K bombs!  Yearly profit at tables has slammed down from +5K to -2K.  EV has me at should be making +1K, so I'm only running a teeny bit bad.  I'm at 150K vpps...that = +15K in rakeback, so my total profit for year is +$13K.  Not bad, but it should be +$21K so I am a bit upset, but not totally.

Pace is 210K by end of today, and hopefully I'll be at 160K minimum, so that means only 50K behind pace, not too bad, we are catching up!

I woke up and banged out a vid blog this morning which explains what's been goin' on, check it on out:

So! It's Friday! That means the weekend hath arrived. Excellent news for everyone! It also means that I get to throw that mother effin rock tonight! I am going to be breaking pins, making X's, making a few /'s, and straight up scoring.

I gotta run cuz I woke up 3 hours later then I wanted, so I will talk to all you amazing, lovely, hot, sexy, succulent people later!!


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